Wednesday, October 1, 2008


"We know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us." I John 3:24

"A boat doesn't sink because it is in the water; it sinks because the water gets into it. In the same way, Christians don't fail to live as they should because they are in the world; they fail because the world has gotten into them. We don't fail to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit because we live in a sea of corruption; we fail because the sea of corruption has gotten into us.

It can happen almost without our realizing it. At one time we were dedicated to Christ, surrendered to the will of God. But little by little the chilling waters of the world crept in. We became preoccupied with the things of this world rather than the things of Christ.

Most ocean-going ships have pumps running constantly, sucking out any water that might have leaked into the hull. Similarly, we need to keep the "pumps" of repentance running. We need to plug the holes with the truth of God's Word. Don't let the world sink your ship!"

By Billy Graham


An addition from my Bible study goes along with the above:

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you." James 4:7-8a


"How can you come near to God? James gives five ways:

1. Submit to God (4:7). Yield to His authority and will, commit your life to Him and His control, and be willing to follow Him.

2. Resist the devil (4:7). Don't allow Satan to entice and tempt you.

3. Wash your hands...and purify your hearts (that is, lead a pure life) (4:8). Be cleansed from sin, replacing your desire to sin with your desire to experience God's purity.

4. Grieve and mourn and wail in sincere sorrow for your sins (4:9). Don't be afraid to express deep heartfelt sorrow for what you have done.

5. Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up (4:10, I Peter 5:6)."

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How blessed we are to have such a loving and forgiving God... Who is "not willing that even one should perish".

Precious Lord,
Forgive us for the times we have failed You.
Forgive us for not loving each other as You have commanded us to do.

Show us Your will and Your way to live our lives.
Help us to walk the path You have set before us.

We thank you for Your love, Your mercy, and for Your sweet Holy Spirit
Who continually draws us to You.

Turn our hearts in the direction You would have us go.

Help us to be Your hand extended to those in need.
Let us be Your workers "in the world" but not "of the world".

Renew our minds through Your Word.

Lead us and guide us in everything we say and do.

All praise and honor to You, Lord.

In Jesus' name, we pray.



Joddie said...

Yeap, and yesterday my dad asked me as soon as we put the boat in..."I did remember to put the plug in the boat, right?" He hadn't at one time and the boat began to fill with water...something you don't want happening. If you experience an "unplugged boat" or an "unplugged life" you know you don't want to do it again!
Come on girl! Get that rod out, dust off the moth balls and let's go sit on the bank of the lake and have a few hrs. of fishing and visiting :)

Anonymous said...

nice Blog.